This posts demonstates how to create realistic 3D topographic maps using R and satellite imagery as an overlay map.
- Million-AID is a large-scale benchmark dataset containing a million instances for remote sensing scene classification.
- Spectral indices are widely used in the Remote Sensing community. This repository includes a curated list of both classical and novel spectral indices for different remote sensing applications.
- Looking for some analysis-ready earth observation data for Europe? Here you can find 210GB of cloud/artifact-free Sentinel-2 images at 30m from 2018 to 2020 and available as cloud-optimized GeoTIFFs.
- Here's a walkthrough on how to turn the bands of Landsat 9 into a full-color pansharpened image, using blend modes in ArcGIS Pro.
- MapTiler has created a single cloud-free satellite image of the entire world detailed enough to find your own house. Find out more here.
- The MapFlow plugin for QGIS provides AI models for automatic feature extraction from satellite imagery, including building footprints, roads, fields, forest and construction sites.
- Ever wanted to view local raster files in a Jupyter notebook? Check out this local tile server to do just that.
- This article teaches you how to add free imagery and hybrid layers (both basemaps and overlays) to your HERE Maps API for JavaScript map.
- This article teaches you how to add a Google map layer or other Google basemaps/layers to your HERE Maps API for JavaScript map using static XYZ tiles.