Satellighte is a Python image classification library with a purpose to establish a light structure to classify satellite images, but to obtain robust results.
- European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) has released more than 40 notebooks to help users reproduce their weather charts. Just click on any chart with a Project Jupyter icon.
- This session is intended to introduce you to geocoding with practical examples. QGIS native tools and plugins, as well as QGIS Python API classes for geocoding will be considered.
- This post shows you how to reshape rasters using the Rasterio Python package and add dimensions to raster arrays.
- MovingPandas is a Python library for handling movement data. Get started with learning how to work with the library by launching and running this interactive notebook.
- Introducing a new Python package named geospatial-ml that enables to install commonly used Python packages for geospatial analysis and machine learning with only one command.
- This post shows you how to calculate yearly fire frequency based on MODIS time series. The 8-day MODIS composite products, available from 2002, will be used as input data.
- Here is a tutorial with a interactive notebook for analyzing climate data using Python. The tutorial will help you understand various climate datasets and related terminology.
- Introducing a new Python package named geospatial that enables to install commonly used Python packages for geospatial analysis and data visualization with only one line of code.
- Dask-GeoPandas is a Python package that brings the support for geospatial data to Dask, merging the geospatial capabilities of GeoPandas and scalability of Dask.