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FOSS4G 2021 Presentations Roundup: Geo How-tos Picks

Here are the Geo How-tos picks of the FOSS4G 2021 global conference presentation videos.

You can take a look at all the available presentations on FOSS4G YouTube page.

Table of Contents

Desktop GIS

The Very Best New Features of QGIS 3.x

How to use OpenStreetMap data in QGIS Desktop

State of GRASS GIS: The Dawn of a New Era


Solving Spatial Problems with PostGIS

Watching after your PostGIS herd

Data Formats and Data Processing

State of GDAL

Cloud optimized formats for rasters and vectors explained

Web Services

The state of Vector tile servers

State of GeoServer

Demystifing OGC APIs with GeoServer: introduction and status of implementation

pygeoapi: what's new in the Python OGC API Reference Implementation

The State of STAC

Getting started with STAC for public datasets

Web GIS Clients

OpenLayers Feature Frenzy

Browser-side geoprocessing with Turf.js (and Leaflet)

Testing Geospatial JavaScript

Printing maps in the browser with InkMap

Lizmap to create a Web Map Application with QGIS Desktop and Server


Building Serverless Geospatial Applications for the Enterprise

Interactive GI dashboards for any data!

Transportation Engineering with FreeCAD

Using game engines for 3D geospatial development