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How to Retrieve GeoJSON FeatureCollections and Features With PostGIS Query

This article teaches you how to return full GeoJSON FeatureCollection and Feature objects from PostgreSQL/PostGIS queries.

Table of Contents


Use the query templates below to retrieve FeatureCollections or Features with all or only some selected field values as Feature properties.

Make sure to replace

  • input_table,
  • id_column and
  • geom_column

with your own table/column names.

As the coordinate reference system for all GeoJSON coordinates is a geographic coordinate reference system (WGS 84), you might want to transform your coordinates by replacing ST_AsGeoJSON(geom_column) with ST_AsGeoJSON(ST_Transform(geom_column, 4326)).

The id member of the Feature object is optional by the GeoJSON specification.

FeatureCollection (All Columns As Properties)

SELECT json_build_object(
  'type', 'FeatureCollection',
  'features', json_agg(
      'type',       'Feature',
      'id',         id_column,
      'geometry',   ST_AsGeoJSON(geom_column)::json,
      -- use the '-' operator to delete unnecessary keys (columns) from the properties object
      'properties', to_jsonb(input_table) - 'id_column' - 'geom_column'
FROM input_table

FeatureCollection (Selected Columns As Properties)

SELECT json_build_object(
  'type', 'FeatureCollection',
  'features', json_agg(
      'type',       'Feature',
      'id',         id_column,
      'geometry',   ST_AsGeoJSON(geom_column)::json,
      'properties', json_build_object(
        -- list of columns - replace with your own column names
        'column1', column1,
        'column2', column2
FROM input_table

Feature (All Columns As Properties)

SELECT json_build_object(
  'type',       'Feature',
  'id',         id_column,
  'geometry',   ST_AsGeoJSON(geom_column)::json,
  -- use the '-' operator to delete unnecessary keys (columns) from the properties object
  'properties', to_jsonb(input_table) - 'id_column' - 'geom_column'
FROM input_table

Feature (Selected Columns As Properties)

SELECT json_build_object(
  'type',       'Feature',
  'id',         id_column,
  'geometry',   ST_AsGeoJSON(geom_column)::json,
  'properties', json_build_object(
    -- list of columns - replace with your own column names
    'column1', column1,
    'column2', column2
FROM input_table