Here is a collection of Jupyter notebooks for learning Google Earth Engine Python API and geemap, assembled by geemap's author, Dr. Qiusheng Wu.
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- Add custom basemaps from Snazzy Maps to your Google Earth Engine application or notebook with a couple lines of code. Run a demo in the code editor here.
- Do you work with ReactJS? Check out this tutorial about displaying a map in your applications using MapLibre GL JS and MapTiler maps. Create a full-screen map with a marker at a specific location.
- The Google Distance Matrix API makes it easy to calculate the distance between multiple locations all at once. It can be used to build a dispatch service, plan a delivery route, and more.
- The Maki map icons (CC-0) from Mapbox are now converted to parameterized point markers and available to download for QGIS from the Style Hub. Take a look at the markers and all the other styles here.
- Build interactive maps with React and Google Maps Platform. Learn the basics of using Google Maps in React, how to apply custom styles using a Map ID, how to cluster markers, and more.
- Check here for a huge list of Google Earth Engine resources (getting started, APIs, free courses, presentations, videos, datasets, and more).
- The first release of GeoParquet is out. This is a new geospatial vector data (point, line, polygon) format that is built on Parquet, an columnar-storage format. See here for more information.
- This post compares running spatial join queries in PostGIS with GPU-assisted spatial joins. See how much they differ here.
- The eemont package extends the Google Earth Engine Python API with pre-processing and processing tools for the most used satellite platforms by adding utility methods for Earth Engine Objects.