Here is a CodeSandbox sample showing how to use the ArcGIS API for JavaScript together with the Vite bundler.
- This post discusses some of the differences between AMD and ESM, and includes a hands-on tutorial to help you build your first ESM project with Vite and the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
- The RouteLayer is a layer for solving advanced routing problems. A solved route can be displayed on a map, and stored and retrieved from a portal, either as a portal item, or as part of a webmap.
- An inset map is a smaller map inset within a larger map. Learn how to inset maps in your own web applications using ArcGIS API for JavaScript. View the blog post and video here.
- The combination of Next.js and the ArcGIS API for JavaScript provides a great developer experience for web developers. Learn how to use them together by building a demo application here.
- Do you use clustering for your high-density datasets? ArcGIS API for JavaScript now allows you to calculate any statistic on the cluster's features, filter, or even list them in the popup content.
- (Updated on )Extensive categorized list of free XYZ tile layers (both basemaps and overlays) to add to your ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript application.
- (Updated on )This article teaches you how to create a simple ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript application with XYZ tile layers.
- (Updated on )This article teaches you how to add free imagery and hybrid layers (both basemaps and overlays) to your ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript map.
- (Updated on )This article teaches you how to add a Google map layer or other Google basemaps/layers to your ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript map using static XYZ tiles.