Check out this geospatial Python programming course where each lesson is an interactive notebook. It starts from the very basics and introduces the student to GeoPandas, OSMnx, PyQGIS, and more.
- This session is intended to introduce you to geocoding with practical examples. QGIS native tools and plugins, as well as QGIS Python API classes for geocoding will be considered.
- MovingPandas is a Python library for handling movement data. Get started with learning how to work with the library by launching and running this interactive notebook.
- This is a free introductory course that covers QGIS from the very basics. You will learn to use QGIS for mapping, spatial data processing, and spatial analysis.
- This tutorial uses QGIS to teach the basics of desktop mapping software for beginners with no previous mapping experience.
- This post is aimed at getting you some resources on how to get started with some basics of using PostGIS as a beginner: importing data, doing geometry calculations, publishing data, and more.
- Have a look at this great workshop! It gives you an introduction to using GRASS GIS while studying deforestation in the state of Georgia in the US.
- Build interactive maps with React and Google Maps Platform. Learn the basics of using Google Maps in React, how to apply custom styles using a Map ID, how to cluster markers, and more.
- Here is a QGIS workshop that covers some of the most common workflows and tools for desktop GIS users. It also includes short videos that help understand how the tools can be used.
- This course covers the full range of topics in Earth Engine to give the participants practical skills to master the platform and implement their remote sensing projects.