This post teaches you how to display state, calculate events, and track historical location for a set of moving objects. It includes building a small example application.
- This blog post will give you an overview of how to set up a web based spatial heatmap using PostgreSQL/PostGIS, pg_featureserv and Leaflet.
- This post demonstrates using the PostGIS extension pgRouting, which allows routing on dynamically generated graphs. Check here for a simple and practical example of backing a web map with pgRouting.
- This post is aimed at getting you some resources on how to get started with some basics of using PostGIS as a beginner: importing data, doing geometry calculations, publishing data, and more.
- Check out this post for how to get data from an ArcGIS Feature Service to PostGIS using QGIS (or ogr2ogr, if you prefer the command line). Sharing the data with pg_featureserv is also demonstrated.
- Recent versions of QGIS support using the OGC API for Features as a vector data source. Learn how to publish spatial data with pg_featureserv using this protocol and add the layer to QGIS.