This post describes how Cloud Optimized GeoTIFFs (COGs) work and where you can obtain them from. It also teaches you how to import COGs into QGIS and how to create a COG using the GDAL command line.
- Take a look here for some free resources on learning QGIS, Python, PyQGIS, Google Earth Engine and GDAL/OGR. You can pick courses that suit your current level of expertise.
- gdal3.js GUI is a web application that allows you to convert raster and vector geospatial data to various formats and coordinate systems. Try it out here.
- Check out this post for how to get data from an ArcGIS Feature Service to PostGIS using QGIS (or ogr2ogr, if you prefer the command line). Sharing the data with pg_featureserv is also demonstrated.