Chronotrains is an interactive map that allows seeing how far you can travel by train in 5h. The map displays isochrones: the area that is reacheable from a starting point in a given amount of time.
- Mapbox Globe view is now available for everyone. With a few clicks in Mapbox Studio or one line of code, you can add globe to new or existing apps for web and mobile. Learn more here.
- Vite is a rapid development tool for modern web projects. It focuses on speed and performance by improving the development experience. Check out these starters for building map applications with Vite.
- Here is some sample code that uses Mapbox GL JS to export an animated wildfire progression map as an mp4 video file.
- This template is designed to accelerate building out a 'scrollytelling' map story. No coding experience is required.
- New Mapbox GL JS release adds support for a variety of new map projections including Albers, Equal Earth, Equirectangular, Lambert Conformal Conic, Natural Earth, and Winkel Tripel.
- Extensive categorized list of free XYZ tile layers (both basemaps and overlays) to add to your Mapbox GL JS application.
- (Updated on )This article teaches you how to create a simple Mapbox GL JS application with XYZ tile layers.
- This article teaches you how to add free imagery and hybrid layers (both basemaps and overlays) to your Mapbox GL JS map.
- This article teaches you how to add a Google map layer or other Google basemaps/layers to your Mapbox GL JS map using static XYZ tiles.