Setting up access to Google Earth Engine from public apps could be rather complicated. Here is a post outlining the steps needed to start using Google Earth Engine from a Streamlit application.
- Espectro offers users the tools to query spectral indices from the Awesome Spectral Indices list. Additionally, users can visualize the required bands for an index computation.
- This multi-page web app (source code included) demonstrates various interactive web apps created using streamlit and open-source mapping libraries, such as leafmap, geemap, pydeck, and
- This streamlit app demonstrates the power of Snowflake geospatial data types and queries combined with Streamlit and Streamlit-Folium for building an interactive geospatial app.
- Here is a simple web application that allows searching for Google Earth Engine apps by their location, filtering by zoom level and opening the apps in the browser.
- Here is a Streamlit web app template for geospatial applications. It can be deployed on Streamlit Cloud, Heroku, Binder, etc.
- Here is an interactive web application for creating time-lapses of annual Landsat imagery (from 1984 onward) for any location around the globe.