The leaflet R package makes it easy to integrate and control Leaflet maps in R. Here is a cheat sheet guiding you in using the leaflet package.
- The sf R package provides a set of tools for working with geospatial vectors, i.e. points, lines, polygons, etc. Here is a cheat sheet guiding you in using sf.
- ggplot2 is an R package dedicated to data visualization. Here is a cheat sheet guiding you in using ggplot2 for data visualization.
- The cartography R package helps to create thematic maps with the visual quality of those built with a classical mapping or GIS software. Here is a cheat sheet guiding you in using cartography.
- The mapsf R package helps to design various cartographic representations such as proportional symbols, choropleth or typology maps. Here is a cheat sheet guiding you in using mapsf.
- TopoToolbox is a MATLAB program for the analysis of digital elevation models (DEMs). Here is a cheat sheet guiding you in using TopoToolbox.
- Check out these cheat sheets for using Google Earth Engine for R.